Face Recognition Security System

This project started in 2012.

This project is a face recognition program that was written mainly in C# but also used libraries that I wrote in C++. Using libraries like OpenCV & OpenGL I was able to identify faces and eyes on a picture or video feed and mark them accordingly. Then I could save those as grayscale pictures and assign an id number and compare and match faces from the feed to the saved ones. When a saved face would be identified, the program will send the face’s id throw a USB connection to an Arduino Nano board. I programmed the Arduino to open an electric lock when receiving certain ids via the serial port and close the lock otherwise.

Lang/Lib/Pro Version
.NET Framework 4.0
OpenCV 2.3.0
OpenGL 4.1

Type Windows Form Application
Input Camera Feed/Video File
Output Mark Faces in Image + Id, Open/Close a Lock
Special Components Webcam, Aduino Nano(ATmega168), Electric Lock
When detecting faces that are not in the DB. When detecting faces that are not in the DB.
After some faces were added to the DB. After some faces were added to the DB.